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To Our Valued Members, Staff and Guests,

Unfortunately, recent events have compelled us to make the most difficult decision we have ever had to make. In consultation with our Team, members, and community leaders, we have decided Wayside Athletic Club will temporarily halt operations effective immediately, through Monday, April 6.

As you know, the coronavirus epidemic has become a pandemic, and the situation in Massachusetts continues to get worse every day.  As a result of the continued growth of the number of Massachusetts residents who now have Covid-19, Governor Baker has banned gatherings larger than 25 people in an effort to stem the coronavirus outbreak in the state through April 6. This includes health clubs.

Here is what Governor Baker had to say yesterday:

“The facts on the ground have changed,” Baker said. “Now that we have evidence based on the testing results that we have community transmission in seven counties in Massachusetts, I think at this point in time it’s particularly appropriate we not only move on the school closures, but also that we get a lot more aggressive around other places and spaces that people gather.” Baker said he was amending earlier guidance banning gatherings of 250 people or more to 25, including all community, civic, public, leisure, and faith-based events, as well as sports games with spectators, concerts, and conventions. It also includes fitness centers, private clubs, and theaters.

This is what this decision means for you:

For three weeks, beginning today, no member or guests will be allowed in the facility until this suspension is over. We hope to be open again on April 7, and will watch closely as to what Governor Baker’s next steps will be in the coming weeks. We will be in regular contact with you as we all work through this event.

We know how important Wayside Athletic Club programs, and staff are to our members. Not only will this temporary pause in operation impact our members, this decision leaves employees temporarily without a job. We are 100% committed to opening Wayside as soon as Governor Baker’s restriction has been lifted.

Thank you for your continued support and understanding.

Wayside Athletic Club Management

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