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Dear members,

We hope this email finds you well. We wanted to let you know Wayside Athletic Club has been approved through the state of Massachusetts and the Marlborough Board of Health to offer outdoor fitness classes for members only following strict social distance guidelines starting Monday, June 8, 2020!

In order to run and participate in these classes please read and see informational links below.

  • Please read and follow the guidelines in order to participate
  • In order to get started, please submit this form prior to attending your first class
  • Pre-registration will be required
  • The class schedule can be viewed here
  • Class size will be limited to 9 participants
  • There is a fee of $20 per class or you can reactivate your membership dues
  • Cash is not accepted, the fee is charged to your in-house account
  • You will see a charge on your in-house account for each class taken on July 1
  • Before participating in an outdoor class you must self evaluate your health. Please see the checklist here  
  • When entering the parking lot please follow the signs where to park

We look forward to seeing you at an outdoor class, attending an online class, or when the club opens back up during phase 3!

Be well!

Wayside Athletic Club Management

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