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We’re having so much fun at camp, we almost forgot to write! Each morning, campers head straight to the outdoor pool for swim lessons. Campers are grouped by ability so they really get the most out of their lessons, and enjoy themselves to the fullest!

Mid-morning we head to the tennis courts! Since some of the campers have never played tennis, it’s our goal to focus on fun tennis drills designed to teach the fundamentals of tennis which helps kids solidify their tennis basics. Balloons + racquets = FUN!

Creative juices were flowing this week – the kids (and counselors) loved making puppets, coloring wooden shapes and making tissue paper stained glass jars!

We proudly introduce to you Camper of the Week, Ariana! Ariana has been extremely positive, friendly, helpful and treats other campers with respect. Ariana was awarded with a gold medal and couldn’t have been more proud to wear it around her neck! Way to go Ariana!

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